Tuesday, 3 January 2023

On January 03, 2023 by Akmal Kareemi in    No comments

 Miracle of Islam: 1400 years Ago 

'A'ishah (A.S.) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said:

"Everyone has been created with three hundred and sixty Joints. Whoever mentions Allah's greatness (says Allahu Akbar), praises Allah, extols Allah, and seeks forgiveness from Allah and removes stones from the path of the people, enjoins what is good and forbids the evil to the amount of those three hundred and sixty joints (sulama), he walks on that Day (of Judgment) having distanced himself from the Hell fire."

Scientific proof: 

1- http://www.buzzle.com/articles/joints-in-the-body.html

Distribution of Human Body Joints

Part of the Body Number of Joints

Skull 86

Throat and Neck 6

Thorax 66

Spine and Pelvis 76

Hands, Arms and Fingers 64

Legs, Feet and Toes 62

(86+6+66+76+64+62 = 360)

2- Dr. Douglas A. Becker of Minneapolis Orthopaedics claims that the human body has 360 joints:

3- http://www.sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/joint-pain-treatment-672067.html

The human body has 360 joints. 


Charlie Proofer 

there are around 360 joints in the human body.

5- Raymond D. Mutter, M.D., who is a specialist in internal medicine, also claims that the human body has 360 joints:

Conclusion: How Prophet Muhammad PBUH came to know about this today's scientific fact? Of course He is a True Prophet and Allah (God) has granted him a Great Knowledge. 

Whether the Prophet, peace be upon him, meant to make an actual Scientific claim or not, we clearly don't have any problem in either way. If the Prophet claimed that mankind has around 360 joints, then this is in harmony with Science today. And if the Prophet spoke in symbolic terms and that mankind is so complex, that he was perhaps Designed by Allah Almighty in 360 stages, then we also wouldn't have a problem with Science.

Some more link about 360 human joints: 



What will you say about that prediction about human joints ?

How an unlettered person can told about human joints at that time when no any ultrasound machine was existed and no any scientific tool and machine was existed or invented except a true Prophet ?

Only a true Prophet can told and predicted that.


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