Tuesday, 7 February 2023
The word 'Muhammad' by name mention in the Sikhism scripture. In Sikhism religion, There are many Gurus but the first and main Guru is Baba Guru Nanak sahib. He was the leader and founder of the Sikhism. Guru means a teacher or guider or Prophet in Sikhism. Baba Guru Nanak believed in one God Allah and never associate with Him like Muslims. And also believe that Muhammad is the True Prophet of God. But some believers hided these things and Prophesies about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Holy book Quran. Here we describe these words:
Baba Guru Nanak the founder and the leader of Sikhism said in Urdu language:
" م محمد من تول من کتاباں چار
من خدائے رسول نوں سچا اے دربار"
Meem Muhammad man tol man kitaaba chaar
Man khudaaey Rasool nu Sacha ay darbaar
(Janam sakhi walayat wali, page 247)
You should believe in Muhammad (PBUH) (as Prophet) and also believe in four sacred heavenly books (Zaboor, Torah, injeel and Quran)
You should believe in the messenger of God because this is the true place.
Guru Nanak said to his believers and everyone to accept and believe in the prophesy of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) same as you believe in one God. And one should believe that the four heavenly books are true and words of God. These four sacred books are Zaboor Torah injeel and Quran.
Siri Guru Granth Sahib reveals that Baba Guru Nanak sahib the leader of Sikhism used to call for Prayer, offered prayers and adviced the people to give charity and . He also performed pilgrimage.
Baba Guru Nanak said about the Quran,
"کل پردان کتیب قرآن "
"Kul pardaan kateeb Quran"
Translation: God choose the Quran for the guidance of the whole world.
Baba Guru Nanak said to a person's question:
"قرآن کتیب فرمائیے۔ کر چانن صاحب ایویں ملے"
"Quran Kateeb farmaaye kar chaanan sahib aewen mily"
Translation: you should follow (the teachings of) the Quran. God will be found in the light that will arise from it
Baba Guru Nanak sahib said about Quran:
"توریت انجیل زبور تریہہ پڑھ سن ڈٹھے وید
رہیا فرقان کتھیڑے کل یگ میں پروان"
Torait Injeel Zaboor treh San dithy wed
Rahya Furqaan kathery kul yag me parwaan.
I have read and listened Torah, Zaboor, Injeel and wedas, God choose the Furqaan (the second name of the Quran) for the whole world.
پنج وقت نماز گزارے پڑھے قرآن کتب قرآنا
Panj waqt namaz guzary pary Quran kutab Qurana.
It means, The book Quran recites five times of the prayers.
Baba Guru Nanak sahib used to carry The Quran with him while traveling and that Quran manuscript is still exists and preserves in the temple of HarSahaaey District Ferozpur.
Baba Guru Nanak Sahib said about the day of judgement:
عملاں والے تت دن ہوسن بے پروا
سٹی چھٹے نانکا حضرت جناں پنا
Amlaa waly tat din hosan bay parwaa
Sati chaty Naanka Hazrat jinaa panaa
It means,
Those whose actions are good and virtuous will be carefree at the day of judgement,
Only those people will be saved who will be supported by The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).
(Taqaabl-e-Adyaan page. 297-298)
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