Wednesday, 11 January 2023
π« Paul was against True teachings of Jesus (Peace be upon him) & Paul invented Christianity & fabricated Bible.
π✨1-Jesus (Peace be upon him).
"God is one" (Allah: John 3:16, Genesis 1:1 Arabic Bible, Mark 12:29, Deut 6:4)
Muslims believe in it. ☝️
πΊ️ Paul :
God are 3 in unity (trinity) invented after 325 years of jesus time (by Paul).
Jesus said:
"They worship me (Jesus) in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men (Paul). (From the NIV Bible, Matthew 15:9)"
π✨ 2: Jesus :
".Salvation is through following laws and commandments (Jesus Mathew 5:17-20, 19:16-17)-
Bible john 14:15: ". if You
"If you love me, obey my commandments.
Muslims believe in it. ☝️
π✨ Bible John 10:27:
.....but you do not believe because you are not my sheep.......My sheep listen to my voice (Words); I know them, and they follow me.
Muslims believe in it.☝️
πΊ️ Paul:
Salvation can be achieved without following laws (Galatians 3:13).
π✨ 3-Jesus :
salvation cannot be attained through blood sacrifice and ‘faith only-ism (Jesus: Gospel of the Nazorenes, Lection 33, verses 1-2)
Muslims believe in it
πΊ️ Paul :
salvation can be attained through blood sacrifice (Hebrews 9:22).
π✨ 4-Jesus
Refuted even the Remotest Suggestion of his Divinity and Jesus PBUH never said in any where in any version of all 73 bible "I M God worship me" (Mathew 19:16-17, John 5:30, Acts 2:22, John 17:3, Mark 12:29, John 14:24)
(Muslims believe in it)
πΊ️ Paul:
claimed jesus Divinity (Romans 10:9, NIV).
π✨ 5-Jesus
denies dying on cross (Holy Quran & Bible) for anyone sins (Deuteronomy 24:16, Ezekiel 18:20-21, Mathew, Chapter No 12, Verse No. 38 and 40-Sign of Joannah-jesus was not 3 days and 3 nights inside tomb and his Physically presence of flesh body after supposed resurrection proves he was not died on cross as jesus pbuh shows his hands and feet (Gospel of Luke Chapter No.24 Verse No.39 and 40) & ate broiled fish and honey comb (Gospel of Luke, Chapter No.24, Verse No.41 to 42) as Jesus said resurrected bodies are without flesh and bones like spirit (Luke 24: Gospel of Luke Chapter No.20, Verse35 and 36: like Angels without flesh and bones which do not eat food: Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7). Paul says same that physical bodies are different from spiritual (resurrected) bodies in 1st Corinthians, Chapter15, Verse No.42 to 44) so jesus was not resurrected as he was a physical body not spiritual and wasn't 3 days and 3 nights in tomb as criteria to fulfil crucifixion death.
(Muslims believe in it)
πΊ️ Paul :
introduced theory of crucifixion to prove jesus was resurrected and was trying the follower to believe in crucifixion for their compensation of sins.
✨ 6-Jesus :
Every Human is responsible for his own sins (Jesus: Deuteronomy 24:16, Ezekiel 18:20-21, and Micah 6:7-8)
(Muslims believe in it)
πΊ️ Paul
says jesus died for your sin (Crucifixion theory).
65 Reasons to Believe Jesus Did Not Die on the Cross:
π✨ 7-A christian cannot break one jot or title (a single) commandment from old testament (Jesus Mathew 5:17-20) According to Jesus, the lawless ones will be thrown in Hell. (This includes all Christians: Matthew 13:40-42, Matthew 7:23, Mark 9:49) )- Basic Law of oneness of Allah has to follow
(Muslims believe in it).
πΊ️ Paul :
says that christians are exempt from the law because law leads to sin (Paul: Romans 3:20, Galatians 3:13, Galatians 3:22).
✨ 8-Jesus encouraged circumcised (Genesis 17:14, Genesis 21:4)
(Muslims believe in it)
πΊ️ Paul:
rejected circumcision (Galatians 5:6).
✨ 9- Jesus
Forbade preaching to the Gentiles (Matthew 10:5-6, Matthew 15:24)
πΊ️ Paul :
rejected this command and preached to Gentiles (Romans 11:13).
✨ 10- Jesus said…
π "Ye (Allaah) judge after the flesh; I judge no man"
(John 8:15)
π "...who made me a judge and a divider over you?"
(Luke 12:14)
π "...for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world"
(John 12:47) and (John 8:50).
(Muslims believe in it).
πΊ️ Paul said…
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ...."
(2 Cor. 5:10).
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