Sunday, 12 February 2023
⚫🌄 From the following scientific facts discovered and established by modern science today which was already mentioned in Glorious Qur’an 1400 year ago in the final book of revelations (Holy Quran) from Almighty God (Allaah) to final Prophet and Messenger Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him); One can clearly and undoubtedly accept that human beings and everything has a creator Almighty God (Allaah) and Allaah Taala (GOD) had sent different messengers to guide the human beings: messengers including Moses, Jesus and last one prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them) with the same mission that God is one: your creator (Allah) and Holy Quran is only preserved book of God which is 100% true:
⚫🌅 Out of thousands of miraculous 🌅 signs mentioned in Holy Quran: some of miraculous signs are here for disbeliever in comparison to established scientific facts by today's modern science:
🌄 1- Initially, universe was big mass (joint)-then split apart (Big Bang-theory: Modern science):
(Noble Quran:21:30).
🌄 2- Initially, celestial matter (sky) was huge gaseous form (smoke; Modern science):-Holy Quran: 41:11.
3- Light of moon is not its own light, its reflected light(Modern science):
(Noble Quran:-25:61, 10:5, 71:15-16).
🌄 4- Earth is not flat, it’s spherical (geo-spherical)by Francis Drake in 1597:-Holy Quran 79:30, 31:29, 39:5.
5- Interstellar space has bridges of matter (plasma;Modern science)-Holy Quran 25:59.
6- Universe is expanding by Edwin Hubble 1925:-Holy Quran: 51:47.
🌄 7- Earth is not stood still in the centre of universe, it’s the sun in the centre as stationary and Earth rotates around the sun by Nicholas Copernicus 1512, sun is also not stationary: sun rotates around its own axis while moves through space (Today's science):-Holy Quran:21:33, 36:40.
🌄 8- Earth and moon are not still, its rotating around sun and own axis by Yohannus keppler 1609:
(Noble Quran: 21:33,36:40).
🌄 9- Sun light due to its surface chemical combustion process will extinguish after certain period (Modern science):-(Holy Quran:36:38).
🌄10- Atom is not the smallest particle, its electron and proton (smallest) after splitting atom (Atomisation theory): (Noble Quran:34:3).
🌄11- Cloud rise then condense by wind then rain (Water Cycle), by Bernard Palissy 1580 :
(Noble Quran:30:48, 15:22, 23:18, 39:21).
🌄12- Underground lakes (Aristotle theory 19th century); are not feeding the earth and spring; its the rainwater seeps into earth (today's science):
(Noble Quran:23:18,30:24,39:21).
🌄 13- "..Winds condense the clouds causing rain". (Modern science: Water Cycle):
(Noble Quran:15:22).
🌄 14- Mountains are like peg shape and fixed firmly in earth to provide earth a stability by Frank Press book: The Earth: (Noble Quran:76:6-7, 21:31, 79:32).
🌄 15- Transitional homogenise area (unseen barrier) between two sea (Mediterranean sea and Atlantic ocean at Gibralter, river nile into Mediterranean sea in Egypt) is a unseen barrier which, after water meet does not let that water mix, change colour and temperature-both are different in taste, touch and colour even though they mix (by William Hay, professor Rao: Marine Geologists):
(Noble Qur'an:55:19-20, 27:61, 25:53).
🌄16- "..There is darkness in deep vast oceans"
(under 25km into deep water a man cannot see bleeding and red colour, and cannot survive under 200km):
(Noble Qur'an 24:40).
🌄 17- "..Every living thing is made up of water". (cells-cytoplasm-80%water):
(Noble Qur'an: 21:30, 24:45, 25:54).
🌄18- "Plants have male and female sexes." (Botany):
(Noble Qur'an: 20:53).
🌄19- Fruits are in male and female (end product of reproduction) Botany:
(Noble Qur'an: 13:3).
🌄 20- "..Animals and birds live in communities."
(today's research):
(Noble Quran: 6:38).
🌄 21- "..Complicated flights of birds are programmed".
into their nervous cells by professor Hamburger book: Power and Fragility.
(Noble Qur'an: 67:19).
🌄 22- "..Honey bee has a skill (Bee dance) to find food garden by Von Frisch 1973 Noble Prize and Workerbee are not male, its female bee."
(Noble Quran: 16:68-69).
🌄 23- "..Ants speak and communicate each other". (today's science).
(Noble Qur'an: 27:17-18).
🌄 24- "..Honey heals the wound by delaying bacterial growth."(2nd world war-Russian army used), now in medicines.
(Noble Qur'an: 16:69).
🌄 25- Initially, human Embryo looks like leech, by professor Keith Moore 1982::-Holy Quran:96:1-2.
26- One out of average 3 million sperms (minute quantity) is enough for fertilisation by professor Keith Moore 1982.
(Noble Qur'an:22:5, 23:1).
🌄 27- "Child Gender (male or female) does not depend upon female, its male (sperm)." by professor Keith Moore 1982.
(Noble Qur'an: 53:45-46, 75:37-39).
🌄 28- ". Foetus is protected by 3 layers": i) anterior abdominal wall of the mother ii) the uterine wall iii) the amnio-chorionic membrane by modern embryology. (Noble Qur’an: 39:6).
🌄 29- ".Foetus develops hearing first (24th week) then sight (28th week) by modern embryology."
(Noble Quran:32:9, 76:2, 23:78).
🌄 30- Every human has different fingertips (finger-prints) by Francis Golt-1880.
(Holy Quran:75:3-4).
🌅 31- Pain receptors does not exists in the brain, it exists in the skin (deep burn-dead skin pain receptors-no pain on pin stick in the deep burn area) by Professor Tajason-Thailanad. (Noble Qur'an :4:56) verifies that Pain receptors doesn't exist in brain as they exist in skin confirmed by today's medical sceince: Those who reject Our signs, We shall soon Cast into the Fire; As often as their skins Are roasted through, We shall change them For fresh skins, That they may taste The Penalty: for Allah Is Exalted in Power, Wise.”
(Noble Qur’aan 4:56)
🌅 Prof. Tagatat Tejasen, Chairman of the Department of Anatomy at Chiang Mai University in Thailand, has spent a great amount of time on research of pain receptors. Initially he could not believe that the Qur’aan mentioned this scientific fact that pain receptors exists in skin instead of existing in brain 1,400 years ago. He later verified the translation of this particular Qur’aanic verse. Prof. Tejasen was so impressed by the scientific accuracy of the Qur’aanic verse, that at the 8th Saudi Medical Conference held in Riyadh on the Scientific Signs of Qur’aan and Sunnah he proclaimed in public: “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is His Messenger.”
Important Note
⚫🌅 1- Regarding Islam: Almighty God Allaah Most Exalted is HE states in the Noble Qur’an Chapter Surah Nisa, Chapter 4, Verse No.82) :
🌅 "..Do they not consider the Qur’an with care? Had it been from anyone besides Allaah, ☝️ there would have been many contradictions."
🌅 2- Noble Qur'an is the one and only testament since 1400years without any corruption or addition by humans throughout the world because it is being protected by creator of this universe: Indeed, it is we (Allaah) who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, Allaah (Subhaanahu Wa'taa'la)will be its guardian (chapter 15 verse 9: Noble Quran).
⚫ 🌅 3 -Since 1400 year: NO ONE COULD PRODUCE A ONE chapter LIKE THE GLORIOUS QUR'AN:☝️
⚫🌅 Almighty God Allaah Exalted be HE states in the Glorious Qur'an:
🌅“..And if ye are in doubt As to what We have revealed From time to time to Our Servant, then produce a Soorah (chapter) Like thereunto; And call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, If your (doubts) are true. But if ye cannot–And of a surety you cannot. Then fear the Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones – Which is prepared for those who reject Faith.” (Noble Qur’aan 2:23-24).
Tuesday, 7 February 2023
The word 'Muhammad' by name mention in the Sikhism scripture. In Sikhism religion, There are many Gurus but the first and main Guru is Baba Guru Nanak sahib. He was the leader and founder of the Sikhism. Guru means a teacher or guider or Prophet in Sikhism. Baba Guru Nanak believed in one God Allah and never associate with Him like Muslims. And also believe that Muhammad is the True Prophet of God. But some believers hided these things and Prophesies about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Holy book Quran. Here we describe these words:
Baba Guru Nanak the founder and the leader of Sikhism said in Urdu language:
" م محمد من تول من کتاباں چار
من خدائے رسول نوں سچا اے دربار"
Meem Muhammad man tol man kitaaba chaar
Man khudaaey Rasool nu Sacha ay darbaar
(Janam sakhi walayat wali, page 247)
You should believe in Muhammad (PBUH) (as Prophet) and also believe in four sacred heavenly books (Zaboor, Torah, injeel and Quran)
You should believe in the messenger of God because this is the true place.
Guru Nanak said to his believers and everyone to accept and believe in the prophesy of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) same as you believe in one God. And one should believe that the four heavenly books are true and words of God. These four sacred books are Zaboor Torah injeel and Quran.
Siri Guru Granth Sahib reveals that Baba Guru Nanak sahib the leader of Sikhism used to call for Prayer, offered prayers and adviced the people to give charity and . He also performed pilgrimage.
Baba Guru Nanak said about the Quran,
"کل پردان کتیب قرآن "
"Kul pardaan kateeb Quran"
Translation: God choose the Quran for the guidance of the whole world.
Baba Guru Nanak said to a person's question:
"قرآن کتیب فرمائیے۔ کر چانن صاحب ایویں ملے"
"Quran Kateeb farmaaye kar chaanan sahib aewen mily"
Translation: you should follow (the teachings of) the Quran. God will be found in the light that will arise from it
Baba Guru Nanak sahib said about Quran:
"توریت انجیل زبور تریہہ پڑھ سن ڈٹھے وید
رہیا فرقان کتھیڑے کل یگ میں پروان"
Torait Injeel Zaboor treh San dithy wed
Rahya Furqaan kathery kul yag me parwaan.
I have read and listened Torah, Zaboor, Injeel and wedas, God choose the Furqaan (the second name of the Quran) for the whole world.
پنج وقت نماز گزارے پڑھے قرآن کتب قرآنا
Panj waqt namaz guzary pary Quran kutab Qurana.
It means, The book Quran recites five times of the prayers.
Baba Guru Nanak sahib used to carry The Quran with him while traveling and that Quran manuscript is still exists and preserves in the temple of HarSahaaey District Ferozpur.
Baba Guru Nanak Sahib said about the day of judgement:
عملاں والے تت دن ہوسن بے پروا
سٹی چھٹے نانکا حضرت جناں پنا
Amlaa waly tat din hosan bay parwaa
Sati chaty Naanka Hazrat jinaa panaa
It means,
Those whose actions are good and virtuous will be carefree at the day of judgement,
Only those people will be saved who will be supported by The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).
(Taqaabl-e-Adyaan page. 297-298)
The word "Muhammad" (Peace Be Upon Him) is written in the Bible and Zaboor but the non believers and Christians are not agreeing to accept it they translate it 'beloved one'.
But they must know on the day of the judgement that they told lie with their self and others. The truth can never be finished or removed from anyone desire or efforts.
Here are the verses below: read carefully,
10My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.
11 His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy, and black as a raven.
12 His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set.
13 His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers: his lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh.
14 His hands are as gold rings set with the beryl: his belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires.
15 His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars.
16 His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is Muhammad The great/noble. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem. (Song of Solomon 5:10-16)
In Song of Solomon 5:16 the original text reads: חכו ממתקים וכלו מחמדים זה דודי וזה רעי בנות ירושלם. The original Hebrew word in the verse mentioning the name Muhammad is “מחמד”. [These letters in English are MHMD and in Arabic are محمد (Muhammad)].
"Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem."
Ananda asked, 'Who shall teach us when thou art gone?' Buddha replied, 'I am not the first Buddha that came upon the earth, nor shall I be the last. In time another Budda will arise in the world, a holy one, a supremely enlightened one, endowed with wisdom in conduct, auspicious, an incomparable leader of men, a master of angels and mortals. He will reveal to you the SAME eternal truths I have taught upon you. His disciples will number many thousands while mine number many hundreds' Ananda asked, 'And how will we come to know him?' Buddha answered, 'He will be known as MAITREYA' [Gospel of Buddha, Carusp 217] NB At the time of Prophet Muhammad's death there were over 110,000 companions. --- Budda said: 'Our cycle is a happy one, three leaders have already lived... The Budda supreme am I, but after me, MAITRIYA comes. While still this happy cucle lasts, before its tale of years shall lapse. This Buddha, called METTEYA, shall be supreme chief of all Men' [Buddhism in translation, Warren, p 481] When Allah states in the Quran that to each nation He sent an Apostle [Surah Yunus (10): 47] this much is true. The question is, how do we recognise who is and who isnt an Apostle of God? Was Prophet Muhammad a 'buddha'? What is a Buddha in the wider sense, is the word synonymous with the term Apostle/Messenger of God? A Buddha is ONLY a preacher ************************ 'You yourself must make an effort, The Buddhas are only preachers' [The Dhammapada, Vol X p 67] Allah states: '...The Apostles duty is only to preach the message' [Surah al Nur (24): 54] Therefore, a Buddha is one who invites and teaches people to truth. A Buddha is a human being ********************* 'It is only a human being that can be a Buddha, a diety cannot' [Warren, p 15] Allah also states that Muhammad is a human being: 'Say, I am but a man like yourselves...' [Surah al Kahf (18): 110] Therefore, a Buddha is a human being. A Buddha is a male *************** Of human beings it is only the male sex that can be Buddhas: 'They are never of the female sex Nor as hermaphrodites appear As eunuch are they never classed Those destined for Buddaship' [Warren, p 34] Allah states in the Quran that the Apostles/Messengers are male: 'And before thee also the apostles We sent were but men to whom We granted inspiration...' [Surah an Nahl (16): 43] Therefore a Buddha is a male. Note, that ALL Messengers of Allah i.e. those to whom were revealed texts, were men. However, Ibn Hazm [Volume V, pp 17-19 al-Fisal fi al-Milal wa-al-Ahwa'i wa-al-Nihal] wrote a text arguing that a Prophet CAN be a woman. The difference between a Prophet and a Messenger is that a Prophet has guidance from God e.g. Mary, the Mother of Jesus who we are told was informed that she would have a child without a man touching her. However as Mary, mother of Jesus, did NOT recieve a revelation, she would not be classified as a Messenger - and Allah knows best. A Buddha is a gifted being ******************** 'These are the five donations great, Prophet Muhammad when he married Khadija, became amongst the wealthiest in the cityof Mecca; had children; was married; ruled the Muslims; and was a human being. Salvation according to Budda *********************** 'You yourself must make an effort, The Buddhas are only preachers, The thoughtful who enter the way are freed from the bondage ofMars' [The Dhammapada, Vol X p 67] The last words of Budda were: 'Work out your salvation with diligence' [Carus, p 211] Similarly, as Islam teaches, a person attains salvation by asking Allah to forgive them. For example: 'Every man's fate will be on his own neck...' [Surah al Israa (17): 13] 'Every soul will be held in pledge for it's deeds' [Surah al Mudaththir (74): 38] 'Anyone who has done an atom's weight of good shall see it, and anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it' [Surah al Zalzalah (99): 7-8] Could it therefore be shown that the term Buddha refers to one who taught Islam, and it was Budda who was a Messenger/Apostle of Allah as well? In essence the teachings of 'Buddhism' are similar to the teachings of 'Islam'; that is to believe in One God without partner. To forgive, to show kindness, and to praise the Creator. He will be known as MAITREYA ************************** The person who Buddha Gautama prophesised bears different names in different languages. In Pali, his name is METTEYA. In Sanskirt, MAITREYA. In Burmese, AREMIDEIA. In Chinese, MEITALIYE. In Tibetan, BYAMSPA. In Japanese, MIROKU. The English equivalent of METTEYA: A. 'Teacher of love' - Max Muller B. 'He whose name is kindness' - Carus C. 'Buddha of kindness' - Rhys Davids D. 'Friendliness' - Fausboll E. 'Loving and compassionate' - Williams F. 'Merficul' - Beal G. 'Compassionate' - Getty H. 'Kind, sympathy, active interest in others' - Steade RAHMAT is the Arabic equivalent of the word MAITREYA. The Arabic-English lexicon by Lane gives the follow defenition of Rahmat: 'Mercy, pity, compassion, tenderness ofheart, inclination requiring the exercise of favour, and beneficence; pardon and forgiveness' When we go through works written by men of various nations on Islam, we observe one curious thing. The word 'Mohammed' is spelled in a number of ways, as 'Mahamet' or 'Mahomet' or 'Mehemet' or 'Mahemmet' ... A. 'Mahamet' or 'Mahomet': is comprised of MAHA and METTA. The word MAHA in Pali and Sanskrit means 'Great, illustrious'. Therefore the word 'Mahamet' or 'Mahomet' means 'a great mercy'. The Quran refers to Muhammad as 'a great mercy'. B. 'Mohamet' is compposed of MOH and METTA. MOH in Sanskrit means, 'affection or sympathy'; therefore the entire word means, 'of an affectionate or of sympathetic mercy'. C. 'Mehemet' is composed of MEH and METTA. MEH means rain, therefore the entire word means, 'a man who rains mercy in general'. D. 'Mahemmet' is composed of MAHEMA which in Sanskrit means mercy, therefore the entire word means, 'a great mercy' Prophet Muhammad is described as a Mercy to Mankind; and therefore fits the defenition of the word MAITREYA. The voice of MAITREYA ******************** Asanga answered, '... The exquisite voice of the MAITREYA is soft and pure and refined; those who hear it can never tire, those who listen are never satiated'. [Si-Yu-Ki, Vol I p 229] Bara (ra) relates: 'I heard the Apostle of Allah reciting the chapter, The Fig and Olive, during the night prayer, and I neversaw a man more sweet-voiced than he' [Sahih of Bukhari Vol I p 107] Zemad (ra) said: 'The Prophet has reached the bottom of the ocean of eloquence' [Sahih of Muslim, Vol 7 p 874] And Allah commanded Prophet Muhammad: 'Invite men to the way of the Lord with wisdom and BEAUTIFUL preaching...' [Surah an Nahl (16): 125] And Allah commands: '...And recite the Quran in measured rhythmic tones' [Surah al Muzammil (73): 4] From the evidence above, and that which I have read elsehwere, I conclude the following: 1. The term Budda refers to an Apostle of God 2. That the teachings of 'Buddha Gautama' from which the philosophy of Buddhism are originated were in fact true, i.e. that he preached belief in 1 God 3. That Gautama was an Apostle of Allah Therefore, a Buddha was an Apostle of God, and Prophet Muhammad was the last Apostle's God. ( |
Monday, 6 February 2023
🌑Six Criteria for Identifying Buddha:
According to the Gospel of Buddha by Carus pg.
"The Blessed one said, ‘There are two occasions
on which a Tathagata’s appearance becomes
clear and exceedingly bright. In the night
Ananda, in which a Tathagata attains to the
supreme and perfect insight, and in the night in
which he passes finally away in that ultra passing
which leaves nothing whatever of his earthly
existence to remain.’ "
According to Gautam Buddha, following are the
six criteria for identifying a Buddha.
i) A Buddha attains supreme and perfect insight
at night-time.
ii) On the occasion of his complete
enlightenment he looks exceedingly bright
iii)A Buddha dies a natural death.
iv)He dies at night-time.
v) He looks exceedingly bright before his death.
vi)After his death a Buddha ceases to exist on
i) Muhammad (pbuh) attained supreme insight
and Prophethood at night-time.
According to Surah Dukhan:
"By the books that makes thing clear – We
sent it down during a blessed night."
[Al-Qur'an 44:2-3]
According to Surah Al-Qadar:
"We have indeed revealed this (message) in
the night of power."
[Al-Qur'an 97:1]
ii) Muhammad (pbuh) instantly felt his
understanding illumined with celestial light.
iii)Muhammad (pbuh) died a natural death.
iv) According to Ayesha (r.a.), Muhammad (pbuh)
xpired at night-time. When he was dying
there was no oil in the lamp and his wife
Ayesha (r.a.) had to borrow oil for the lamp.
According to Anas (r.a.), Muhammad (pbuh)
looked exceedingly bright in the night of his
vi)After the burial of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
he was never seen again in his bodily form on
this earth.
According to Dhammapada, Mattaya Sutta, 151:
"The promised one will be:
i) Compassionate for the whole creation
ii) A messenger of peace, a peace-maker
iii) The most successful in the world.
The Maitreya as a Preacher of morals will be:
i) Truthful
ii) Self-respecting
iii) Gentle and noble
iv) Not proud
v) As a king to creatures
vi) An example to others in deeds and in words".
The Sanskrit word ‘Maitreya’or its equivalent in Pali ‘Metteyya’means loving, compassionate, merciful and benevolent. It also means kindness and friendliness, sympathy, etc. One Arabic word which is equivalent to all these words is ‘Rahmat’. In Surah AlAnbiya:
"We sent thee not, but as a mercy for all creatures." [Al-Qur’an 21:107]
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was called the merciful, which is ‘Maitri’.
The words Mercy and Merciful are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an no less than 409 times.
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