Monday, 10 October 2022
Miracles that took place at the time of the birth of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Prophethood left the Children of Israel
Aisha said, There was a Jewish merchant in Mecca on the night that the Prophet (PBUH) was born. He inquired, Oh, people of Quraish, was there any newborn among you? They replied, We don't know. He said, Tonight, the Prophet of this last nation was born. Between his shoulders there is a mark containing a few hairs on it. They tried to find the newborn baby and then they accompanied the Jew and went to the Prophet's mother, and asked her if they could see her son. She brought him to them and they uncovered his back and saw the mark of the prophethood, whereupon a Jew fell unconscious. When he regained consciousness, they asked him What is the matter with you? He answered, By Allah, prophethood has gone away from the children of Israel.
1): The Persian Fire was extinguished
Imam Baihaqi narrated from Hani’ I-Makhzumi:
‘On the night of the birth of the Messenger of Allah (saw), the fire of the Persians which had been burning continuously for one thousand years went out’.
Pre-Islam, the Persians were known to be fire-worshippers, wrongly attributing partners to Allah (swt). As soon as the Prophet (PBUH) was born, this fire went out - truly a sign of the message he (PBUH) would carry to us for the last time: to worship Allah alone.
2): The Throne Arch of Chosroes shuddered
The throne arch is referred to as the Aywan and indicates the political shift marked by the birth of the Prophet (PBUH). The Arch (Aywan) of the palace of Kisra (Chosroes), the ancient emperor of Persia, trembled at the birth of the Prophet (saw). [Baihaqi]
3)A star was appeared at the night when The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born
There were many scholars amongst Jews. They deduced from their books that the Messenger of God would come. They were expert in making conclusions from the movements of stars. At the night the Prophet was born, a star shone in the sky and Jewish scholars understood that the last Prophet was born.
4): Fourteen royal balconies collapsed
The fourteen fallen balconies from the palace of Kisra mentioned in Baihaqi’s narration was a sign that the rulership of the Persians would last for only fourteen more Persian kings. And this is exactly what happened. The fourteenth (and last) Persian king ruled from the time of the Prophet’s birth until the Muslims completely destroyed the whole of the Persian Empire. [Baihaqi]
5): Lake Sawah ran dry
Baihaqi’s final narration mentions the lake of Sawah, which is located in Qum and Hamadan, modern-day northern Iran. On the night of the birth of the Prophet (PBUH), the lake, which was vast enough for ships to sail in it, dried up. [Baihaqi]
This was known to be a city of evil-doers and this sign at the birth of the Prophet (PBUH) was indeed a sign of Allah’s power and might, a reminder to the people of Sawah.
6): Idols fell on the ground that night
At the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), a total of 360 idols, which had been affixed with lead bases fell around the Holy Ka‘bah. An additional one inside the Ka‘bah, namely Hubal, which resembled a human figure and was believed to control acts of divination. The pagans used to throw arrows at the statues, using the direction the arrows fell in as the answer the idol gave to them.
The event of the 360 idols falling within the Holy Ka‘bah was observed by Abdul-Muttalib, the grandfather of the Prophet (PBUH) who then visited the Christian monk Easau who lived outside of Makkah for interpretation.
7) Ibn Saad narrated that when Lady Amina gave birth to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) he had no meconium (fetal fecal matter) in him. According to narrations by Ibn Umar and others, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born circumcised and with his umbilical cord already cut off. Anas related that the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) said: “One of the signs of the honor I have been given by my Lord is that I was born circumcised۔
8) Predictions of soothsayers about the coming of the Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Arabia
A famous foreteller named Shiqq, repeatedly foretold the messengership of Muhammad ﷺ, and his reports have been recorded in history books, with the certainty of tawatur in meaning. The famous foreteller of Damascus, Satih, who looked very much like half a man with only one eye, one arm and one leg, lived a very long life. He was highly reputed for his predictions. In fact, Khusrow (Chosroes), the Persian ruler, once sent him a learned man named Muyzan to ask for the interpretation of a strange dream of Khusrow (Chosroes) and the meaning of the collapse of the fourteen pillars of his palace that had occurred on the night of Prophets birth. Satih said, "Fourteen rulers will reign, and then your empire will be utterly destroyed. A man will come with a religion, and will abolish both your religion and empire." In this clear statement, Satih predicted the arrival of the last Prophet and Islam spreading across Persia. (Miracles of Prophet Muhammad)
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