Monday, 30 May 2022
On May 30, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in christianity No comments
[Jesus] said, “Indeed, I am the servant of Allah . He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet (Quran 19:30)
Bible testifies
Jesus (pbuh) said; “Just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve.” [Matthew 20:28]
“Behold my servant (Jesus), whom I have chosen.” [Matthew 12:18]
“The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, hath glorified his servant Jesus.” [Acts 3:13 RSV]
“For of a truth against thy holy servant Jesus, whom thou hast anointed.” [Acts 4:27]
According to bible also Jesus (Peace be upon him) was a prophet of Allah Almighty who was sent before sending of last prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Jesus "A Prophet of Allah-God"
(Al-Quran and Bible)
Jesus himself called a Prophet (Mathew 13:57, Act 2:22)
The disciples called Jesus as prophet (Luke 24:19)
Eyewitnesses (people of Jerusalem) called Jesus as a prophet (Mathew 21:11)
Jesus "A Servant of Allah-God"
(Al-Quran and Bible)
Jesus said "I am servant of God" (Act 3:13, 3:26, 2:22, 4:27, 5:42, Mathew 12:18-20, Act 17:24-31, 1-Corinthians 15:28, Isiah 45:1, Isiah 42:1)
All prophets are servants of Allah (Ezra 5:1, Daniel 6:21-22 5:11 KJV)
And I (Jesus) have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear Allah and obey me.
Indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is the straight path.”
~ Surah Ali-Imran (3:45-51)
On May 30, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in christianity No comments
On May 30, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in christianity No comments
On May 30, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in christianity No comments
Bible says …….Jesus (Esa PBUH) is not a God but a servant of (God) Allah……Let’s see from Bible and words of jesus himself………
[Jesus] said, "Indeed, I am the servant of Allah . He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet. (Quran 19:30)
Was Jesus a Prophet?
Who is Jesus ?
Jesus was not God
What did Jesus say about Jesus?
Jesus made it clear that he is not God
A man had run up and knelt before Jesus and called him ”Good Teacher”. Jesus did not accept to be called good and deferred to God. Jesus used the opportunity to make it clear to people that they must not praise him more than a human being deserves to be praised.” (Mark 10:11).
Jesus is “Son of man“
(according to The Bible)
“Son of Man”(according to The Bible): The title ´Son of Man ´ means “man “ ( in Hebrew and in Arabic “ Ben Adam “). Ezekiel was addressed as”son of man” (Ezekiel chapter 3:1, 4). Jesus own personal preference was for term “son of man “, which just means “man “. This is used 80 times in The New Testament spoken by Jesus himself according to the Gospels. Jesus’ own personal preference was for the term “son of man “which just means “man “(in Hebrew and Arabic “Ben Adam “ ). Not once is he reported to categorically call himself the Son of God in any special sense.
Jesus was a man
24He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord. Acts 11:24 (New International Version)
Jesus was the servant of God
A servant is not greater than his master
(according to The Bible)
Everyone, except for God, are Gog’s servants. Jesus, too, is God’s servant. In a number of places Jesus says with pride that he is the “servant of God .
13( The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,( the God of our fathers, glorified his servant Jesus. Acts 3:13 (English Standard Version). 16Truly, truly, I say to you,(a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. John 13:16 (English Standard Version)
God, having rising up his servant sent him to you first, to bless you in turning every one of you from your wickedness (Act 3: 26).
30Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus." Acts 4:30 (New International Version)
The sick are healed, signs and wonders are performed: who does all this? It is the hand of God. The name of Jesus may be invoked, but that is only instrumental, as an intercede, for he at best is only “the holy servant of God.”
Jesus was a prophet
God is not a prophet!
(according to The Bible)
Jesus was a man whom God approved of. This means he was a righteous man. In a number of times Jesus tells the people that he has been sent by God to the world .He has not come on his own authority. He does not even act or speak on his authority; but he says and acts in fulfilment of the commandment and the will of God who has sent him. These are the true qualities of a prophet and messenger of God. Jesus is reported to say according to Gospels:
John 4:34 (New International Version)
34"My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.
My teaching is not mine , but his who sent me; if any man’s will is to do his will , he shall know whether teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority . He who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory; but who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true, and in him there is no falsehood. John 7: 14 - 18
Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me. Mark 9: 37
He who receives you receives me, and who receives me receives me receives him who sent me. He who receives a prophet because he is a prophet receives a prophet’s reward, and he who receives a righteous man because he is righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. Matthew 10: 40 - 41
31At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him, "Leave this place and go somewhere else. Herod wants to kill you."
32He replied, "Go tell that fox, 'I will drive out demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.' 33In any case, I must keep going today and tomorrow and the next day—for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem! Luke 13:31-33 (New International Version)
Jesus Christ’s followers and other people who saw him and lived with him, repeat time and time again that he is a prophet.
When the people saw the sign which he had done, they said, “This is indeed the prophet who is to come into the world. “John 6: 14
And the crowds said, “This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee. “ Matthew 21: 11
But when they tried to arrest him, they feared the multitude, because they held him to be a prophet. Matthew 21: 46
19And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, a man who was(A) a prophet.Luke 24:19-20 (English Standard Version).
Jesus, an apostle to Israel only
(according to The Bible)
The Bible insists that Jesus Christ was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel and not to the whole world. Jesus came to his people (the lost sheep of Israel) 0nly to guide them on the right path.
21She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21 (New International Version)
9 I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours. John 17:9 (New International Version)
24He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." Matthew 15:24 (New International Version)
And his disciples came and begged him, saying, “Send her away, for she is crying after us. “ He (Jesus) answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. “
When Jesus was despatching his twelve chosen disciples to go out and spread the Gospel he instructed them to avoid going into non - Israelites towns.
These twelve Jesus sent out, charging them, “Go nowhere among the Gentiles (I.e. non - Jews), and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. “Matthew 10. 5 – 6
The only true God has sent Jesus
Jesus said: ”Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent”. John 17:1,3 (New International Version). 16Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. John 13:16 (English Standard Version).
Jesus according to Bible
Jesus prayed to God:
Luke 5:16 (New King James Version)
16 So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.
Mark 14:32 (New King James Version)
The Prayer in the Garden
32 Then they came to a place which was named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples, “Sit here while I pray.”
Jesus did nothing on his own authority
John 5:30 (New King James Version)
30 I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.
Matthew 20:23 (New King James Version)
23 So He said to them, “You will indeed drink My cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with; but to sit on My right hand and on My left is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it is prepared by My Father.”
John 14:31 (New King James Version)
31 But that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave Me commandment, so I do. Arise, let us go from here.
Jesus didn’t speak on his own authority:
John 8:28-29 (New King James Version)
28 Then Jesus said to them, “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He, and that I do nothing of Myself; but as My Father taught Me, I speak these things. 29 And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him.”
John 14:10 (New King James Version)
10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.
Jesus denied the knowledge of the unseen:
Matthew 24:36 (New King James Version)
No One Knows the Day or Hour36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.
Mark 13:32 (New King James Version)No One Knows the Day or Hour
32 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Jesus referred himself as a prophet:
Luke 13:33-34 (New King James Version)
33 Nevertheless I must journey today, tomorrow, and the day following; for it cannot be that a prophet should perish outside of Jerusalem.
Jesus Laments over Jerusalem
34 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were not willing!
Jesus referred himself as a servant of God:
Matthew 12:18 (New King James Version)
18 “ Behold! My Servant whom I have chosen,
My Beloved in whom My soul is well pleased!
I will put My Spirit upon Him,
And He will declare justice to the Gentiles.
Acts 4:30 (New King James Version)
30 by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.”
Acts 3:13 (New King James Version)
13 The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, glorified His Servant Jesus, whom you delivered up and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let Him go.
Acts 4:27 (New King James Version)
27 “For truly against Your holy Servant Jesus, whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, were gathered together
The Bible says that Jesus was not God. He was a man, a servant of God and His Holy Prophet.
On May 30, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in Islamic Commands No comments
Read bible verses (revelation 2:23, 1 samuel 15:2-3 Exodus 22:29, Numbers 31:16-18) killings of innocent infants and babies & children & bible by biblical fabricators (Noble Quran Corrects it)...
Will True God commands killings of innocent babies????? (Please try to understand)
Correction: The Quran teaches killing of any innocent child is a heinous sin and that only fake gods made such an evil evocation. God is the Most Powerful and never needs to sacrifice a people for another but instead can do what He pleases without condemning innocent ones as a sacrifice:
Indeed their (Children) killing is a heinous sin (Quran 17:31). In islamic laws of war to defend self, even Muslims are not allowed to kill any innocent as “Do not kill any child, any woman, or any elder or sick person. (Sunan Abu Dawud”
“And thus their associates have made fair seeming to most of the polytheists the killing of their children that they may cause them to perish and obscure for them their religion; and if Allah had pleased, they would not have done it, therefore leave them and that which they forge.” (Quran 6:137)
“Losers indeed are those who killed their children foolishly, due to their lack of knowledge, and prohibited what Allah has provided for them, and followed innovations attributed to Allah. They have gone astray; they are not guided.” (Quran 6:140)
Even during war for self defence in islam.... PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH COMMANDS IN WAR:
1. Don't kill a child
2. Don't kill old people
3. Don't kill a woman
4. Don't kill a sick person
5. Don't kill a monk or a priest
6. Don't disfigure the dead
7. Don't destroy a temple or a church
8. Don't kill an animal except for eating
9. Don't destroy a building
10. Don't kill those who surrendered
11. Be good to the prisoners and feed them
12. Don't kill who ran away
13. Don't enforce Islam by force upon the none Muslims.
14. Don't cut a tree.
Saturday, 28 May 2022
On May 28, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in atheism No comments
On May 28, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in christianity No comments
Child marriage is not allowed according to islamic 100% Authentic-Pure Quran
....Untill they (Children) reach age of marriage (Quran 4:6)
Any Hadiths which goes against Noble and Pure Quran regardless of its chain strong or weak will be rejected as fabrication
Does Noble Quran allow child's marriages and specify age of Aisha (RA)?
Answer is NO.
Age of marriage in islam should be
Children must reach ashuddah (full strength and growth) and adulthood:
Ashuddah in Arabic is derived from the root word shadeed, which means mighty and powerful. Allah Almighty referred to iron as shadeed (having mighty power) in Noble Verse 57:25. Let us look at what Allah Almighty Said regarding children reaching their full strength and growth:
Noble Verse(s) 22:5
Yusuf Ali:
[022:005] O mankind! if ye have a doubt about the Resurrection, (consider) that We created you out of dust, then out of sperm, then out of a leech-like clot, then out of a morsel of flesh, partly formed and partly unformed, in order that We may manifest (our power) to you; and We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term, then do We bring you out as babes, then (foster you) that ye may reach your age of full strength; and some of you are called to die, and some are sent back to the feeblest old age, so that they know nothing after having known (much), and (further), thou seest the earth barren and lifeless, but when We pour down rain on it, it is stirred (to life), it swells, and it puts forth every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs).
Arabic (from right to left):
22:5 ياايها الناس ان كنتم في ريب من البعث فانا خلقناكم من تراب ثم من نطفة ثم من علقة ثم من مضغة مخلقة وغير مخلقة لنبين لكم ونقر في الارحام مانشاء الى اجل مسمى ثم نخرجكم طفلا ثم لتبلغوا اشدكم ومنكم من يتوفى ومنكم من يرد الى ارذل العمر لكيلا يعلم من بعد علم شيئا وترى الارض هامدة فاذا انزلنا عليهاالماء اهتزت وربت وانبتت من كل زوج بهيج
Noble Verse(s) 40:67
Yusuf Ali:
[040:067] It is He Who has created you from dust then from a sperm-drop, then from a leech-like clot; then does he get you out (into the light) as a child: then lets you (grow and) reach your age of full strength; then lets you become old,- though of you there are some who die before;- and lets you reach a Term appointed; in order that ye may learn wisdom.
Arabic (from right to left):
40:67 هو الذي خلقكم من تراب ثم من نطفة ثم من علقة ثم يخرجكم طفلا ثم لتبلغوا اشدكم ثم لتكونوا شيوخا ومنكم من يتوفى من قبل ولتبلغوا اجلا مسمى ولعلكم تعقلون
Noble Verse(s) 6:152
Yusuf Ali:
[006:152] And come not nigh to the orphan's property, except to improve it, until he attain the age of full strength; give measure and weight with (full) justice;- no burden do We place on any soul, but that which it can bear;- whenever ye speak, speak justly, even if a near relative is concerned; and fulfil the covenant of God: thus doth He command you, that ye may remember.
Arabic (from right to left):
6:152 ولاتقربوا مال اليتيم الا بالتي هي احسن حتى يبلغ اشده واوفوا الكيل والميزان بالقسط لانكلف نفسا الا وسعها واذا قلتم فاعدلوا ولو كان ذاقربى وبعهد الله اوفوا ذلكم وصاكم به لعلكم تذكرون
Noble Verse(s) 17:34
Yusuf Ali:
[017:034] Come not nigh to the orphan's property except to improve it, until he attains the age of full strength; and fulfil (every) engagement, for (every) engagement will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning).
Arabic (from right to left):
17:34 ولاتقربوا مال اليتيم الا بالتي هي احسن حتى يبلغ اشده واوفوا بالعهد ان العهد كان مسؤولا
Noble Verse(s) 46:15
Yusuf Ali:
[046:015] We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents: In pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth. The carrying of the (child) to his weaning is (a period of) thirty months. At length, when he reaches the age of full strength and attains forty years, he says, "O my Lord! Grant me that I may be grateful for Thy favour which Thou has bestowed upon me, and upon both my parents, and that I may work righteousness such as Thou mayest approve; and be gracious to me in my issue. Truly have I turned to Thee and truly do I bow (to Thee) in Islam."
Arabic (from right to left):
46:15 ووصينا الانسان بوالديه احسانا حملته امه كرها ووضعته كرها وحمله وفصاله ثلاثون شهرا حتى اذا بلغ اشده وبلغ اربعين سنة قال رب اوزعني ان اشكر نعمتك التي انعمت على وعلى والدي وان اعمل صالحا ترضاه واصلح لي في ذريتي اني تبت اليك واني من المسلمين
So here we clearly and indisputably see Allah Almighty distinguishing between a helpless child and a growing human who reaches his full strength.
Children reaching the "age of marriage" in Noble Verse 4:6:
Noble Verse(s) 4:6
Yusuf Ali:
[004:006] Make trial of orphans until they reach the age of marriage; if then ye find sound judgment in them, release their property to them; but consume it not wastefully, nor in haste against their growing up. If the guardian is well-off, Let him claim no remuneration, but if he is poor, let him have for himself what is just and reasonable. When ye release their property to them, take witnesses in their presence: But all-sufficient is God in taking account.
Arabic (from right to left):
4:6 وابتلوا اليتامى حتى اذا بلغوا النكاح فان انستم منهم رشدا فادفعوا اليهم اموالهم ولاتاكلوها اسرافا وبدارا ان يكبروا ومن كان غنيا فليستعفف ومن كان فقيرا فلياكل بالمعروف فاذا دفعتم اليهم اموالهم فاشهدوا عليهم وكفى بالله حسيبا
So here the adult who is keeping the orphan's inheritance from his/her deceased parents is required by Allah Almighty to never release the money until:
1- The orphan, boy or girl, reaches the age of marriage. This indicates islam has age of marriage.
2- The adult keeper must see a "sound judgment" and enough maturity and responsibility in him/her in order for the former to be allowed to release the money to the orphan.
3- Female-children becoming fataaya (young ladies) become ready to be "wed":
Noble Verse(s) 4:25
Yusuf Ali:
[004:025] If any of you have not the means wherewith to wed free believing women, they may wed believing girls from among those whom your right hands possess: And God hath full knowledge about your faith. Ye are one from another: Wed them with the leave of their owners, and give them their dowers, according to what is reasonable: They should be chaste, not lustful, nor taking paramours: when they are taken in wedlock, if they fall into shame, their punishment is half that for free women. This (permission) is for those among you who fear sin; but it is better for you that ye practise self-restraint. And God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Arabic (from right to left):
4:25 ومن لم يستطع منكم طولا ان ينكح المحصنات المؤمنات فمن ماملكت ايمانكم من فتياتكم المؤمنات والله اعلم بايمانكم بعضكم من بعض فانكحوهن باذن اهلهن واتوهن اجورهن بالمعروف محصنات غير مسافحات ولامتخذات اخدان فاذا احصن فان اتين بفاحشة فعليهن نصف ماعلى المحصنات من العذاب ذلك لمن خشى العنت منكم وان تصبروا خير لكم والله غفور رحيم
A girl starts out being a child طفلة. This is further proven in Noble Verses 22:5 and 40:67 above (طفلا child). Then she becomes a fataat فتاة , which is what فتياتكم (your young ladies) is derived from in Noble Verse 4:25.
Clearly, Allah Almighty never allowed marriage with a طفلة child!
Furthermore, Allah Almighty Said:
Noble Verse(s) 24:59
Yusuf Ali:
[024:059] But when the children among you come of age, let them (also) ask for permission, as do those senior to them (in age): Thus does God make clear His Signs to you: for God is full of knowledge and wisdom.
Arabic (from right to left):
24:59 واذا بلغ الاطفال منكم الحلم فليستأذنوا كما استأذن الذين من قبلهم كذلك يبين الله لكم اياته والله عليم حكيم
الاطفال (children) is a plural, and it is derived from طفل (child), which is singular. الحلم, which is translated as "come of age", literally means when the child knows about sex. For boys, it also means that when he experiences his first ejaculation either in his sleep or through masturbation.
So clearly again, Allah Almighty differentiated between the children and the teenagers
4- Wisdom and Knowledge from Allah Almighty came after ashuddah:
Noble Verse(s) 12:22
Yusuf Ali:
[012:022] When Joseph attained His full manhood, We gave him power and knowledge: thus do We reward those who do right.
Arabic (from right to left):
12:22 ولما بلغ اشده اتيناه حكما وعلما وكذلك نجزي المحسنين
Noble Verse(s) 28:14
Yusuf Ali:
[028:014] When he reached full age, and was firmly established (in life), We bestowed on him wisdom and knowledge: for thus do We reward those who do good.
Arabic (from right to left):
28:14 ولما بلغ اشده واستوى اتيناه حكما وعلما وكذلك نجزي المحسنين
So here again, wisdom and knowledge, which are essential for survival in life, start coming after the child reaches his/her age of strength and growth to a point where he/she can now start looking towards becoming independent and take responsibility for him/herself. Now of course, the best age for having the best Wisdom is the age of 40:
"We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents: In pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth. The carrying of the (child) to his weaning is (a period of) thirty months. At length, when he reaches the age of full strength and attains forty years, he says, 'O my Lord! Grant me that I may be grateful for Thy favour which Thou has bestowed upon me, and upon both my parents, and that I may work righteousness such as Thou mayest approve; and be gracious to me in my issue. Truly have I turned to Thee and truly do I bow (to Thee) in Islam.' (The Noble Quran, 46:15)"
And of course, there are always those who are cursed by Allah Almighty and never receive neither Guidance nor Wisdom:
"Deaf, dumb, and blind, they will not return (to the path). (The Noble Quran, 2:18)"
"The parable of those who reject Faith is as if one were to shout Like a goat- herd, to things that listen to nothing but calls and cries: Deaf, dumb, and blind, they are void of wisdom. (The Noble Quran, 2:171)"
"It is he whom God guides, that is on true Guidance; but he whom He leaves astray - for such wilt thou find no protector besides Him. On the Day of Judgment We shall gather, them together, prone on their faces, blind, dumb, and deaf: their abode will be Hell: every time it shows abatement, We shall increase from them the fierceness of the Fire. (The Noble Quran, 17:97)"
Now what is meaning of Quran 65:4 verse in context which anti Islamic quote sometimes out of context:
Yusuf Ali:
[065:004] Such of your women as have passed the age of monthly courses, for them the prescribed period, if ye have any doubts, is three months, and for those who have no courses (it is the same): for those who carry (life within their wombs), their period is until they deliver their burdens: and for those who fear God, He will make their path easy.
Arabic (from right to left):
65:4 واللائي يئسن من المحيض من نسائكم ان ارتبتم فعدتهن ثلاثة اشهر واللائي لم يحضن واولات الاحمال اجلهن ان يضعن حملهن ومن يتق الله يجعل له من امره يسرا
The Noble Verses are clearly speaking about divorce of women, and there are three categories of those women:
1- Women who are very old.
2- Women who have not had their monthly period at the time of the divorce.
3- Women who are pregnant at the time of the divorce.
For point #2, it doesn't necessarily have to mean that the woman was a young girl. To me, it is clearly talking about the wife not having her period yet when the divorce happened. Women on average have 10 days of menstruation each month. Point #2 is speaking about the 20 other days.
As to the menstruation and the minimum age for marriage, The ample Holy Verses that I have quoted m to you are clear above about:
4- And even incapable teenagers who are not fully grown up based on what the current life requires not being allowed to get married. The Holy Quran spells it out, and I challenge anyone to disprove it (Muslim or none).
In islam you cannot marry a girl until she reaches the age of marriage described in Quran
Conclusion: Prophet Muhammad PBUH upon him is the prophet upon him came Noble Quran, he (PBUH) is a best practical example of practicing Quran so he can never practice something against his own Quran.
I can guarantee about purity and authenticity of noble Quran which is 100% pure & free from fabrication per promise of Allah Almighty inside Quran that Allah Almighty will protect Quran from corruption but I cannot give guarantee about Hadiths neither prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) gave guarantee that all Hadiths will remain pure after him. So lets leave the case that for the case of Hadith Allah knows Best But lets say in case of Quran that i know without a doubt it is pure corruption free.
On May 28, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in christianity No comments
On May 28, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in atheism No comments
On May 28, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in Islamic Commands No comments
Friday, 27 May 2022
On May 27, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in Islamic Commands No comments
On May 27, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in Islamic Commands No comments
On May 27, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in Islamic Commands No comments
Tuesday, 24 May 2022
On May 24, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in christianity, islam comparison with other religions, islam in other religious No comments
On May 24, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in christianity No comments
143 major contradictions in fabricated Bible
Question to Christians who don’t accept message of Quran about Bible was corrupted after prophet Jesus pbuh left this world,
Please explain Which below bible is word of God? And how and why?
👉 The syrianic version of 61 books
👉 the protestant version of 66 books
👉 the Coptic version of 75 books
👉 the roman catholic version of 73 books
👉 the charismatic version of 76 books
👉 the Ethiopic version of 81 books
👉 the orthodox version of 86 books and
👉 the Greek orthodox of 78 books,
Which verses below should we reject or accept? (One of them is a fabrication)
1. God is satisfied with his works
Gen 1:31
God is dissatisfied with his works.
Gen 6:6
2. God dwells in chosen temples
2 Chron 7:12,16
God dwells not in temples
Acts 7:48
3. God dwells in light
Tim 6:16
God dwells in darkness
1 Kings 8:12/ Ps 18:11/ Ps 97:2
4. God is seen and heard
Ex 33:23/ Ex 33:11/ Gen 3:9,10/ Gen 32:30/ Is 6:1/
Ex 24:9-11
God is invisible and cannot be heard
John 1:18/ John 5:37/ Ex 33:20/ 1 Tim 6:16
5. God is tired and rests
Ex 31:17/ Jer 15:6
God is never tired and never rests
Is 40:28
6. God is everywhere present, sees and knows all things
Prov 15:3/ Ps 139:7-10/ Job 34:22,21
God is not everywhere present, neither sees nor knows all
Gen 11:5/ Gen 18:20,21/ Gen 3:8
7. God knows the hearts of men
Acts 1:24/ Ps 139:2,3
God tries men to find out what is in their heart
Deut 13:3/ Deut 8:2/ Gen 22:12
8. God is all powerful
Jer 32:27/ Matt 19:26
God is not all powerful
Judg 1:19
9. God is unchangeable
James 1:17/ Mal 3:6/ Ezek 24:14/ Num 23:19
God is changeable
Gen 6:6/ Jonah 3:10/ 1 Sam 2:30,31/ 2 Kings 20:1,4,5,6/
Ex 33:1,3,17,14
10. God is just and impartial
Ps 92:15/ Gen 18:25/ Deut 32:4/ Rom 2:11/ Ezek 18:25
God is unjust and partial
Gen 9:25/ Ex 20:5/ Rom 9:11-13/ Matt 13:12
11. God is the author of evil
Lam 3:38/ Jer 18:11/ Is 45:7/ Amos 3:6/ Ezek 20:25
God is not the author of evil
1 Cor 14:33/ Deut 32:4/ James 1:13
12. God gives freely to those who ask
James 1:5/ Luke 11:10
God withholds his blessings and prevents men from receiving
John 12:40/ Josh 11:20/ Is 63:17
13. God is to be found by those who seek him
Matt 7:8/ Prov 8:17
God is not to be found by those who seek him
Prov 1:28
14. God is warlike
Ex 15:3/ Is 51:15
God is peaceful
Rom 15:33/ 1 Cor 14:33
15. God is cruel, unmerciful, destructive, and ferocious
Jer 13:14/ Deut 7:16/ 1 Sam 15:2,3/ 1 Sam 6:19
God is kind, merciful, and good
James 5:11/ Lam 3:33/ 1 Chron 16:34/ Ezek 18:32/ Ps 145:9/
1 Tim 2:4/ 1 John 4:16/ Ps 25:8
16. God's anger is fierce and endures long
Num 32:13/ Num 25:4/ Jer 17:4
God's anger is slow and endures but for a minute
Ps 103:8/ Ps 30:5
17. God commands, approves of, and delights in burnt offerings,
sacrifices ,and holy days
Ex 29:36/ Lev 23:27/ Ex 29:18/ Lev 1:9
God disapproves of and has no pleasure in burnt offerings,
sacrifices, and holy days.
Jer 7:22/ Jer 6:20/ Ps 50:13,4/ Is 1:13,11,12
18. God accepts human sacrifices
2 Sam 21:8,9,14/ Gen 22:2/ Judg 11:30-32,34,38,39
God forbids human sacrifice
Deut 12:30,31
19. God tempts men
Gen 22:1/ 2 Sam 24:1/ Jer 20:7/ Matt 6:13
God tempts no man
James 1:13
20. God cannot lie
Heb 6:18
God lies by proxy; he sends forth lying spirits t deceive
2 Thes 2:11/ 1 Kings 22:23/ Ezek 14:9
21. Because of man's wickedness God destroys him
Gen 6:5,7
Because of man's wickedness God will not destroy him
Gen 8:21
22. God's attributes are revealed in his works.
Rom 1:20
God's attributes cannot be discovered
Job 11:7/ Is 40:28
23. There is but one God
Deut 6:4
There is a plurality of gods
Gen 1:26/ Gen 3:22/ Gen 18:1-3/ 1 John 5:7
Moral Precepts
24. Robbery commanded
Ex 3:21,22/ Ex 12:35,36
Robbery forbidden
Lev 19:13/ Ex 20:15
25. Lying approved and sanctioned
Josh 2:4-6/ James 2:25/ Ex 1:18-20/ 1 Kings 22:21,22
Lying forbidden
Ex 20:16/ Prov 12:22/ Rev 21:8
26. Hatred to the Edomite sanctioned
2 Kings 14:7,3
Hatred to the Edomite forbidden
Deut 23:7
27. Killing commanded
Ex 32:27
Killing forbidden
Ex 20:13
28. The blood-shedder must die
Gen 9:5,6
The blood-shedder must not die
Gen 4:15
29. The making of images forbidden
Ex 20:4
The making of images commanded
Ex 25:18,20
30. Slavery and oppression ordained
Gen 9:25/ Lev 25:45,46/ Joel 3:8
Slavery and oppression forbidden
Is 58:6/ Ex 22:21/ Ex 21:16/ Matt 23:10
31. Improvidence enjoyed
Matt 6:28,31,34/ Luke 6:30,35/ Luke 12:3
Improvidence condemned
1 Tim 5:8/ Prov 13:22
32. Anger approved
Eph 4:26
Anger disapproved
Eccl 7:9/ Prov 22:24/ James 1:20
33. Good works to be seen of men
Matt 5:16
Good works not to be seen of men
Matt 6:1
34. Judging of others forbidden
Matt 7:1,2
Judging of others approved
1 Cor 6:2-4/ 1 Cor 5:12
35. Christ taught non-resistance
Matt 5:39/ Matt 26:52
Christ taught and practiced physical resistance
Luke 22:36/ John 2:15
36. Christ warned his followers not to fear being killed
Luke 12:4
Christ himself avoided the Jews for fear of being killed
John 7:1
37. Public prayer sanctioned
1 Kings 8:22,54, 9:3
Public prayer disapproved
Matt 6:5,6
38. Importunity in prayer commended
Luke 18:5,7
Importunity in prayer condemned
Matt 6:7,8
39. The wearing of long hair by men sanctioned
Judg 13:5/ Num 6:5
The wearing of long hair by men condemned
1 Cor 11:14
40. Circumcision instituted
Gen 17:10
Circumcision condemned
Gal 5:2
41. The Sabbath instituted
Ex 20:8
The Sabbath repudiated
Is 1:13/ Rom 14:5/ Col 2:16
42. The Sabbath instituted because God rested on the seventh day
Ex 20:11
The Sabbath instituted because God brought the Israelites
out of Egypt
Deut 5:15
43. No work to be done on the Sabbath under penalty of death
Ex 31:15/ Num 15:32,36
Jesus Christ broke the Sabbath and justified his disciples in
the same
John 5:16/ Matt 12:1-3,5
44. Baptism commanded
Matt 28:19
Baptism not commanded
1 Cor 1:17,14
45. Every kind of animal allowed for food.
Gen 9:3/ 1 Cor 10:25/ Rom 14:14
Certain kinds of animals prohibited for food.
Deut 14:7,8
46. Taking of oaths sanctioned
Num 30:2/ Gen 21:23-24,31/ Gen 31:53/ Heb 6:13
Taking of oaths forbidden
Matt 5:34
47. Marriage approved
Gen 2:18/ Gen 1:28/ Matt 19:5/ Heb 13:4
Marriage disapproved
1 Cor 7:1/ 1 Cor 7:7,8
48. Freedom of divorce permitted
Deut 24:1/ Deut 21:10,11,14
Divorce restricted
Matt 5:32
49. Adultery forbidden
Ex 20:14/ Heb 13:4
Adultery allowed
Num 31:18/ Hos 1:2; 2:1-3
50. Marriage or cohabitation with a sister denounced
Deut 27:22/ Lev 20:17
Abraham married his sister and God blessed the union
Gen 20:11,12/ Gen 17:16
51. A man may marry his brother's widow
Deut 25:5
A man may not marry his brother's widow
Lev 20:21
52. Hatred to kindred enjoined
Luke 14:26
Hatred to kindred condemned
Eph 6:2/ Eph 5:25,29
53. Intoxicating beverages recommended
Prov 31:6,7/ 1 Tim 5:23/ Ps 104:15
Intoxicating beverages discountenanced
Prov 20:1/ Prov 23:31,32
54. It is our duty to obey our rulers, who are God's ministers
and punish evil doers only
Rom 13:1-3,6
It is not our duty to obey rulers, who sometimes punish the
good and receive unto themselves damnation therefor
Ex 1:17,20/ Dan 3:16,18/ Dan 6:9,7,10/ Acts 4:26,27/
Mark 12:38,39,40/ Luke 23:11,24,33,35
55. Women's rights denied
Gen 3:16/ 1 Tim 2:12/ 1 Cor 14:34/ 1 Pet 3:6
Women's rights affirmed
Judg 4:4,14,15/ Judg 5:7/ Acts 2:18/ Acts 21:9
56. Obedience to masters enjoined
Col 3:22,23/ 1 Pet 2:18
Obedience due to God only
Matt 4:10/ 1 Cor 7:23/ Matt 23:10
57. There is an unpardonable sin
Mark 3:29
There is not unpardonable sin
Acts 13:39
Historical Facts
58. Man was created after the other animals
Gen 1:25,26,27
Man was created before the other animals
Gen 2:18,19
59. Seed time and harvest were never to cease
Gen 8:22
Seed time and harvest did cease for seven years
Gen 41:54,56/ Gen 45:6
60. God hardened Pharaoh's heart
Ex 4:21/ Ed 9:12
Pharaoh hardened his own heart
Ex 8:15
61. All the cattle and horses in Egypt died
Ex 9:3,6/ 14:9
All the horses of Egypt did not die
Ex 14:9
62. Moses feared Pharaoh
Ex 2:14,15,23; 4:19
Moses did not fear Pharaoh
Heb 11:27
63. There died of the plague twenty-four thousand
Num 25:9
There died of the plague but twenty-three thousand
1 Cor 10:8
64. John the Baptist was Elias
Matt 11:14
John the Baptist was not Elias
John 1:21
65. The father of Joseph, Mary's husband was Jacob
Matt 1:16
The father of Mary's husband was Heli
Luke 3:23
66. The father of Salah was Arphaxad
Gen 11:12
The father of Salah was Cainan
Luke 3:35,36
67. There were fourteen generations from Abraham to David
Matt 1:17
There were but thirteen generations from Abraham to David
Matt 1:2-6
68. There were fourteen generations from the Babylonian captivity
to Christ.
Matt 1:17
There were but thirteen generations from the Babylonian
captivity to Christ
Matt 1:12-16
69. The infant Christ was taken into Egypt
Matt 2:14,15,19,21,23
The infant Christ was not taken into Egypt
Luke 2:22, 39
70. Christ was tempted in the wilderness
Mark 1:12,13
Christ was not tempted in the wilderness
John 2:1,2
71. Christ preached his first sermon on the mount
Matt 5:1,2
Christ preached his first sermon on the plain
Luke 6:17,20
72. John was in prison when Jesus went into Galilee
Mark 1:14
John was not in prison when Jesus went into Galilee
John 1:43/ John 3:22-24
73. Christ's disciples were commanded to go forth with a staff
and sandals
Mark 6:8,9
Christ's disciples were commanded to go forth with neither
staffs nor sandals.
Matt 10:9,10
74. A woman of Canaan besought Jesus
Matt 15:22
It was a Greek woman who besought Him
Mark 7:26
75. Two blind men besought Jesus
Matt 20:30
Only one blind man besought Him
Luke 18:35,38
76. Christ was crucified at the third hour
Mark 15:25
Christ was not crucified until the sixth hour
John 19:14,15
77. The two thieves reviled Christ.
Matt 27:44/ Mark 15:32
Only one of the thieves reviled Christ
Luke 23:39,40
78. Satan entered into Judas while at supper
John 13:27
Satan entered into him before the supper
Luke 22:3,4,7
79. Judas committed suicide by hanging
Matt 27:5
Judas did not hang himself, but died another way
Acts 1:18
80. The potter's field was purchased by Judas
Acts 1:18
The potter's field was purchased by the Chief Priests
Matt 27:6,7
81. There was but one woman who came to the sepulchre
John 20:1
There were two women who came to the sepulchre
Matt 28:1
82. There were three women who came to the sepulchre
Mark 16:1
There were more than three women who came to the sepulchre
Luke 24:10
83. It was at sunrise when they came to the sepulchre
Mark 16:2
It was some time before sunrise when they came.
John 20:1
84. There were two angels seen by the women at the sepulchre, and
they were standing up.
Luke 24:4
There was but one angel seen, and he was sitting down.
Matt 28:2,5
85. There were two angels seen within the sepulchre.
John 20:11,12
There was but one angel seen within the sepulchre
Mark 16:5
86. Christ was to be three days and three nights in the grave
Matt 12:40
Christ was but two days and two nights in the grave
Mark 15:25,42,44,45,46; 16:9>
87. Holy ghost bestowed at pentecost
Acts 1:8,5
Holy ghost bestowed before pentecost
John 20:22
88. The disciples were commanded immediately after the
resurrection to go into Galilee
Matt 28:10
The disciples were commanded immediately after the
resurrection to go tarry at Jerusalem
Luke 24:49
89. Jesus first appeared to the eleven disciples in a room at
Luke 24:33,36,37/ John 20:19
Jesus first appeared to the eleven on a mountain in Galilee
Matt 28:16,17
90. Christ ascended from Mount Olivet
Acts 1:9,12
Christ ascended from Bethany
Luke 24:50,51
91. Paul's attendants heard the miraculous voice, and stood
Acts 9:7
Paul's attendants heard not the voice and were prostrate
Acts 26:14
Gen 12:5
Abraham went not knowing where
Heb 11:8
93. Abraham had two sons
Gal 4:22
Abraham had but one son
Heb 11:17
94. Keturah was Abraham's wife
Gen 25:1
Keturah was Abraham's concubine
1 Chron 1:32
95. Abraham begat a son when he was a hundred years old, by the
interposition of Providence
Gen 21:2/ Rom 4:19/ Heb 11:12
Abraham begat six children more after he was a hundred years
old without any interposition of providence
Gen 25:1,2
96. Jacob bought a sepulchre from Hamor
Josh 24:32
Abraham bought it of Hamor
Acts 7:16
97. God promised the land of Canaan to Abraham and his seed
Gen 13:14,15,17; 17:8
Abraham and his seed never received the promised land
Acts 7:5/ Heb 11:9,13
98. Goliath was slain by Elhanan
2 Sam 21:19 *note, was changed in translation to be
correct. Original manuscript was incorrect>
The brother of Goliath was slain by Elhanan
1 Chron 20:5
99. Ahaziah began to reign in the twelfth year of Joram
2 Kings 8:25
Ahaziah began to reign in the eleventh year of Joram
2 Kings 9:29
100. Michal had no child
2 Sam 6:23
Michal had five children
2 Sam 21:8
101. David was tempted by the Lord to number Israel
2 Sam 24:1
David was tempted by Satan to number the people
1 Chron 21:1
102. The number of fighting men of Israel was 800,000; and of
Judah 500,000
2 Sam 24:9
The number of fighting men of Israel was 1,100,000; and of
Judah 470,000
1 Chron 21:5
103. David sinned in numbering the people
2 Sam 24:10
David never sinned, except in the matter of Uriah
1 Kings 15:5
104. One of the penalties of David's sin was seven years of
2 Sam 24:13
It was not seven years, but three years of famine
1 Chron 21:11,12
105. David took seven hundred horsemen
2 Sam 8:4
David took seven thousand horsemen
1 Chron 18:4
106. David bought a threshing floor for fifty shekels of silver
2 Sam 24:24
David bought the threshing floor for six hundred shekels of
1 Chron 21:25
107. David's throne was to endure forever.
Ps 89:35-37
David's throne was cast down
Ps 89:44
Speculative Doctrines
108. Christ is equal with God
John 10:30/ Phil 2:5
Christ is not equal with God
John 14:28/ Matt 24:36
109. Jesus was all-powerful
Matt 28:18/ John 3:35
Jesus was not all-powerful
Mark 6:5
110. The law was superseded by the Christian dispensation
Luke 16:16/ Eph 2:15/ Rom 7:6
The law was not superseded by the Christian dispensation
Matt 5:17-19
111. Christ's mission was peace
Luke 2:13,14
Christ's mission was not peace
Matt 10:34
112. Christ received not testimony from man
John 5:33,34
Christ did receive testimony from man
John 15:27
113. Christ's witness of himself is true.
John 8:18,14
Christ's witness of himself is not true.
John 5:31
114. Christ laid down his life for his friends
John 15:13/ John 10:11
Christ laid down his life for his enemies
Rom 5:10
115. It was lawful for the Jews to put Christ to death
John 19:7
It was not lawful for the Jews to put Christ to death
John 18:31
116. Children are punished for the sins of the parents
Ex 20:5
Children are not punished for the sins of the parents
Ezek 18:20
117. Man is justified by faith alone
Rom 3:20/ Gal 2:16/ Gal 3:11,12/ Rom 4:2
Man is not justified by faith alone
James 2:21,24/ Rom 2:13
118. It is impossible to fall from grace
John 10:28/ Rom 8:38,39
It is possible to fall from grace
Ezek 18:24/ Heb 6:4-6, 2 Pet 2:20,21
119. No man is without sin
1 Kings 8:46/ Prov 20:9/ Eccl 7:20/ Rom 3:10
Christians are sinless
1 John 3: 9,6,8
120. There is to be a resurrection of the dead
1 Cor 15:52/ Rev 20:12,13/ Luke 20:37/ 1 Cor 15:16
There is to be no resurrection of the dead
Job 7:9/ Eccl 9:5/ Is 26:14
121. Reward and punishment to be bestowed in this world
Prov 11:31
Reward and punishment to be bestowed in the next world
Rev 20:12/ Matt 16:27/ 2 Cor 5:10
122. Annihilation the portion of all mankind
Job 3: 11,13-17,19-22/ Eccl 9:5,10/ Eccl 3:19,20
Endless misery the portion of all mankind
Matt 25:46/ Rev 20:10,15/ Rev 14:11/ Dan 12:2
123. The Earth is to be destroyed
2 Pet 3:10/ Heb 1:11/ Rev 20:11
The Earth is never to be destroyed
Ps 104:5/ Eccl 1:4
124. No evil shall happen to the godly
Prov 12:21/ 1 Pet 3:13
Evil does happen to the godly
Heb 12:6/ Job 2:3,7
125. Worldly good and prosperity are the lot of the godly
Prov 12:21/ Ps 37:28,32,33,37/ Ps 1:1,3/ Gen 39:2/
Job 42:12
Worldly misery and destitution the lot of the godly
Heb 11:37,38/ Rev 7:14/ 2 Tim 3:12/ Luke 21:17
126. Worldly prosperity a reward of righteousness and a blessing
Mark 10:29,30/ Ps 37:25/ Ps 112:1,3/ Job 22:23,24/
Prov 15:6
Worldly prosperity a curse and a bar to future reward
Luke 6:20,24/ Matt 6:19,21/ Luke 16:22/ Matt 19:24/
Luke 6:24
127. The Christian yoke is easy
Matt 11:28,29,30
The Christian yoke is not easy
John 16:33/ 2 Tim 3:12/ Heb 12:6,8
128. The fruit of God's spirit is love and gentleness
Gal 5:22
The fruit of God's spirit is vengeance and fury
Judg 15:14/ 1 Sam 18:10,11
129. Longevity enjoyed by the wicked
Job 21:7,8/ Ps 17:14/ Eccl 8:12/ Is 65:20
Longevity denied to the wicked
Eccl 8:13/ Ps 55:23/ Prov 10:27/ Job 36:14/ Eccl 7:17
130. Poverty a blessing
Luke 6:20,24/ Jams 2:5
Riches a blessing
Prov 10:15/ Job 22:23,24/ Job 42:12
Neither poverty nor riches a blessing
Prov 30:8,9
131. Wisdom a source of enjoyment
Prov 3:13,17
Wisdom a source of vexation, grief and sorrow
Eccl 1:17,18
132. A good name is a blessing
Eccl 7:1/ Prov 22:1
A good name is a curse
Luke 6:26
133. Laughter commended
Eccl 3:1,4/ Eccl 8:15
Laughter condemned
Luke 6:25/ Eccl 7:3,4
134. The rod of correction a remedy for foolishness
Prov 22:15
There is no remedy for foolishness
Prov 27:22
135. A fool should be answered according to his folly
Prov 26:5
A fool should not be answered according to his folly
Prov 26:4
136. Temptation to be desired
James 1:2
Temptation not to be desired
Matt 6:13
137. Prophecy is sure
2 Pet 1:19
Prophecy is not sure
Jer 18:7-10
138. Man's life was to be one hundred and twenty years
Gen 6:3/ Ps 90:10
Man's life is but seventy years
Ps 90:10
139. The fear of man was to be upon every beast
Gen 9:2
The fear of man is not upon the lion
Prov 30:30
140. Miracles a proof of divine mission
Matt 11:2-5/ John 3:2/ Ex 14:31
Miracles not a proof of divine mission
Ex 7:10-12/ Deut 13:1-3/ Luke 11:19
141. Moses was a very meek man
Num 12:3
Moses was a very cruel man
Num 31:15,17
142. Elijah went up to heaven
2 Kings 2:11
None but Christ ever ascended into heaven
John 3:13
143. All scripture is inspired
2 Tim 3:16
Some scripture is not inspired
1 Cor 7:6/ 1 Cor 7:12/ 2 Cor 11:17
On May 24, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in christianity No comments
On May 24, 2022 by Akmal Kareemi in christianity No comments
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