Wednesday, 30 March 2022
Friday, 25 March 2022
An Athiest from liquid to a human (now they are ungrateful):
Dear All Athiest you were a drop of a sperm liquid before Your Creator-Allah made you human from liquid and today you are ungrateful to your creator:
Initially, humen was an Embryo looks like leech inside mother womb, discovered by Great Embryologist professor Keith Moore 1982::-under a very powerful microscope in his laboratory & it was already said 1400 year ago by God in the Holy Quran ch 96:1-2.
“Proclaim! (or Read!) In the name Of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created – Created man, out of A (mere) Alaq (Leech like substance that clings).” [Al-Qur’aan 96:1-2]
To Allah (Creator: God) belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; He creates what he wills. He gives to whom He wills female [children], and He gives to whom He wills males.
Or He makes them [both] males and females, and He renders whom He wills barren. Indeed, He is Knowing and Competent.
“Now let man but think From what he is created! He is created from A drop emitted – Proceeding from between The back bone and the ribs.” [Al-Qur’aan 86:5-7]
Consider the following Qur’aanic verse: “Verily We created Man from a drop Of mingled sperm.” [Al-Qur’aan 76:2]
“That He (God) did create In pairs – male and female, From a seed when lodged (In its place).” [Al-Qur’aan 53:45-46]
The Qur’aan says: “Was he not a drop of sperm emitted (In lowly form)? “Then did he become A clinging clot; Then did (Allah) make And fashion (him) In due proportion. “And of him He made Two sexes, male And female.” [Al-Qur’aan 75:37-39]
The first sense to develop in a developing human embryo is hearing. The foetus can hear sounds after the 24th week. Subsequently, the sense of sight is developed and by the 28th week, the retina becomes sensitive to light.
Consider the following Qur’aanic verses related to the development of the senses hearing then sight in the embryo: “And He gave You (the faculties of) hearing and sight and feeling (And understanding).” [Al-Qur’aan 32:9]
“Verily We created Man from a drop Of mingled sperm, In order to try him: So We gave him (the gifts), Of Hearing and Sight.” [Al-Qur’aan 76:2]
“It is He Who has created For you (the faculties of) Hearing, sight, feeling And understanding: little thanks It is ye give!” [Al-Qur’aan 23:78]
In all these verses the sense of hearing is mentioned before that of sight. Thus the Qur’aanic description 1400 hundred year ago mention in Holy Quran matches with the discoveries in modern embryology.
The Bible mentioned many prophets engaging in degrading activities: worshipping false gods and committing incest, rape, and adultery.
✴️Noah (pbuh) is reported to have been drunk to the point of becoming naked in the presence of his grownup sons
🔸 (Genesis 9:23- 24): "And Shem and Japhet took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him."
✴️Solomon (pbuh) was accused of worshipping false gods
🔸I Kings 11:9-10): "And the Lord was angry with Solomon ... And had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods: but he kept not that which the Lord commanded. "
✴️Aaron, a prophet who accompanied his brother Moses (pbut) on his mission to Pharaoh, was accused of having fashioned the golden calf for the Israelites to worship
🔸(Exodus 32:4): "And he [Aaron] received them [golden earrings] at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a golden calf: and they said: 'These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt."'
✴️Prophet Lot's incestuous encounter with his two daughters
✴️(Genesis 19:36): "Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father."
Prophet who was married to two sisters at the same time
🔸(Genesis 29:28): "And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he [Laban] gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also."
✴️Another prophet accused of adultery
🔸(II Samuel 11:4-5): "And David sent messengers, and took her [the wife of Uriah], and she came in unto him, and he lay with her; for she was purified from her uncleanness; and she returned unto her house. And the woman conceived, and sent and told David, and said: 'I am with child."'
My question is: How could David (pbuh) be accepted in the genealogy of Jesus (pbuh) when it started with a person who committed adultery⁉️
May Allâh forbid it! Does this not contradict what is mentioned in 👉🏻Deuteronomy 23:3: "A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord."
✴️Another allegation is that of incest along with rape by Ammon, the son of David, on his sister Tamar
🔸(II Samuel 13: 14): "Howbeit he [Ammon] would not hearken unto her voice, but being stronger than she [Tamer], forced her and lay with her."
✴️Another multiple rape, by Absalom on David's concubines, is recounted in II Samuel 16:22: "So they spread Absalom a tent upon the top of the house, and Absalom went in unto his father's concubines in the sight of all Israel."
✴️Another incest, by Judah and Tamar (his daughter-in-law): "Judah on his way to Timnath to shear his sheep saw Tamar. He thought her to be a harlot because she had her face covered.
🔸(Genesis 38: 18): ". . . And he [Judah] gave it [signet, bracelet and staff] to her, and came in unto her and she conceived by him."
Although Jews and Muslims often have differing views, no Muslim would dare to write a book and stamp any Israelite prophet like Judah, David, Jesus and so on, with rape, adultery, incest, or prostitution.
All prophets were sent by God for the guidance of mankind. And all Prophets are pious
Muslims believe in all divine scriptures, but in their original form. God sent a prophet as a warner to each nation, and some of them with a scripture as a guidance for that particular nation only. The Sûhuf was brought by Abraham, the Torah by Moses, the Zabûr by David, and the Injîl by Jesus (pbut). None of these scriptures remained in their original form.
⭐️Finally, Allâh sent Muhammad (pbuh) as the seal of all prophets and with the Qur'an as a guidance for all mankind, anywhere and anytime.
If one want to go to heaven, he must believe in one God. And never associate with Him.
Almighty God Allaah states in the (Noble Qur'an 3:64):
“..Say (O Muhammad Peace be upon him): "O people of the Scripture: Come to a word (God Name ﷲ Allah) that is similar between us and you, that we worship none but Allah ﷲ (Alone), and that we associate no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others as lords besides Allah ﷲ Then, if they turn away, say: "Bear witness that we are Muslims."
Almighty God Allaah states in the Noble Quran : "..It is ﷲ (Allah) Who has created the heavens and the earth (Noble Qur'an Chapter 32:4).
Genesis 1:1 First Bible First Chapter First Verse (Translations by Gideon).
السموات والارض في البدء خلق
In the beginning Allaah 'ﷲ' created the heaven and the earth.
وَالحَياةُ الأبَدِيَّةُ هِيَ أنْ يَعرِفُوكَ أنتَ 👑 ﷲ 👑 الحَقِيْقِيُّ وَحدَكَ، وَأنْ يَعرِفُوا يَسُوعَ المَسِيحَ الَّذِي أرسَلْتَهُ
Now this is eternal life: that they know you Allaah 'ﷲ', the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent (John 17:3, Arabic Bible ERV)
Bible Arabic: Smith & Van Dyke
John 8:42 :
فقال لهم يسوع لو كان 👑 ﷲ 👑 اباكم لكنتم تحبونني لاني خرجت من قبل 👑 ﷲ 👑 وأتيت. لاني لم آت من
"Jesus (Peace be upon him) said unto them : , If Allah ﷲ were your God, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from Allaah ﷲ neither came I of myself, but HE Allaah (ﷲ) sent me."
Almighty God Allaah THE MOST EXALTED IS HE states in the Noble Qur’an :
"..(It will be said to the believers of Islamic Monotheism): 'My slaves! No fear shall be on you this Day (Day of Judgement), nor shall you grieve. (You) who believed in Our ayat (proofs, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and were Muslims (i.e., who submit totally to Allah's Will, and believe in the Oneness of Allah). Enter Jannah (Paradise) you and your wives, in happiness.' Trays of gold and cups will be passed round them; (there will be) therein all that inner-selves could desire, and all that eyes could delight in and you will abide therein forever. This is the Jannah which you have been made to inherit because of your deeds (Good deeds) which you used to do (in the life of the world). Therein for you will be fruits in plenty, of which you will eat (as you desire)."
(Noble Qur'an 43:68-73)
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